I'm not going to bother standing in line at the post office. I would send back the defunct ones but my time is worth more than the refund amoun t.

Spend twice the money and get a decent one. The two that I have that still work will often freeze, especially if it's plugged in while on, then comes unplugged. You have to hit 'reset' on the bottom to get it to work correctly. A third shows the factory default tracks in the song list when you first turn it on, each time you turn it on, despite having hours of our music already put on there. Two have turned off and won't turn back on (google the issue and it's common, apparently). I've bought 5 of these mp3 players because they are cheap and a reputable brand (Philips). I operate a haunted hayride which requires mp3 players on each of our rigs. Supported formats: MP3: MP3 bit rates: 8 - 320 kps and VBR MP3 sample rates: 8, 11.025, 16, 22.050, 32, 44.1, 48 kHz SA3RGA02 2GB NAND Flash SA3RGA04 Iboss home manual hvac Openbgpd bsd handbook F27255bc manually Openoffice 4.TERRIBLE PRODUCT, No Quality Control, I bought 5, two failed altogether, a third is hit-or-miss, the two that work are still crappy philips gogear raga 2gb manual ppt Get instant access for philips gogear raga 2gb Philips GoGear RaGa 4GB SA3RGA04KS/37 manual : 13 Technical data. GO GEAR SA3RGA02 MP3 Player pdf manual download. Discover user manuals, FAQs, hints & tips for your Philips product. MP3 Player Philips Find support for your MP3 player SA1928/37. Philips gogear mp3 player sa4rga02kf raga 2gb* with fullsound (34 pages).

: gogear GoGEAR SA4RGA MP3 Player pdf manual download. Cosmetically in great condition with only lightfor Philips Speaker Portable Wireless Bluetooth GoGear Raga Spark Muse MP3 MP4 Player GoGear. PHILIPS GoGear 2GB MP3 Player SA2627/37 With Sony Earphones & Pouch. Philips GoGEAR MP3 player SA018102S 2GB* Manuals & documentation MIX 2GB MP3 MP4 PLAYER Color your world with superb sound, Small, fun and colorful, Raga. Mp3 Player User Manual Philips Gogear Raga 4gb Mp3 Player User Manual philips raga 2gb with fullsound 34 pages mp3 player philips sa4rga04kn 37 user Philips GoGEAR MP3 player SA4RGA02KFS Raga 2GB* with FullSound™ User Manual. Philips Gogear 8gb Mp3 Player User Manual - philips gogear raga 2gb user manual philips gogear mp3 player sa4rga02kfs raga 2gb* with. PHILIPS GOGEAR RAGA 2GB MP3 PLAYER MANUAL > READ ONLINE Update your players firmware to the latest version to reduce the chance of future hang-ups. PHILIPS GOGEAR RAGA 2GB MP3 PLAYER MANUAL > DOWNLOAD NOW Try doing a soft reset: Insert a small pin or other sharp object into the reset hole located on the back of the player Hold until the player shuts down Note: Your songs and data will not be lost or corrupted by a soft reset.